Settling of Breast Implants

November 12, 2013

Immediately after breast augmentation surgery, the implants will sit very high on the patient’s chest, especially if the implants are placed under the muscle. This is due to the initial swelling and the fact that gravity has not had a chance to influence their final position. Depending on the individual and her lifestyle, it can take up to six months for the breasts to sink a bit and look more natural, though in most cases, the breasts take on a more natural appearance within six to 12 weeks. However, there are a few things patients can do to help gravity along and normalize the appearance of their enhanced breasts. 

As always, consult your surgeon before making any changes to your routine.

Wearing Ace Bandages or Sports Bras

Wearing a tight garment, such as an Ace bandage or a sports bra, can be very helpful to some patients. There are also other specially designed bras and straps that a doctor may recommend post op.  Tighter articles of clothing like these help to physically force down the implants and thus encourage them to fall to a more appropriate level. Patients can wear them during the day or at night, or both, depending on their lifestyle, comfort, and doctor’s advice.


A patient may be instructed to regularly massage each of their breast implants in a gentle, downward motion. This allows the saline or silicone gel implants to descend gradually. Keep in mind that one breast may descend before the other - this is perfectly normal. Sometimes the implant on the dominant side (say, the right side in a right-handed person) takes longer to go down because the muscle of dominant side is denser and more ridged.  Patients are also advised to be particularly gentle. Too forceful a motion, especially after surgery, can cause excess swelling and bruising, not to mention pain.  

Light Exercises and Stretching

Exercises might be effective for some patients, though any strenuous exercise should be avoided for about six weeks after surgery. Shoulder rolls, overhead arm stretches, and extended arm circles are sometimes recommended after the initial swelling has gone down. They work by stretching the pectoralis major, under which breast implants are placed, so that contraction around the implant is lessened.

Sleep Position

Sometimes breast augmentation patients are told to sleep on their belly and chest as a means to force the implants down. This may be difficult for people who are accustomed to sleeping on their back or their side, but it is worth a try. 

Bottom Line

All of these tips are potentially helpful, but ultimately time and gravity are the factors that will help the implants to descend properly. If patients feel there is something abnormal about the way they are recovering, they should consult their plastic surgeon for advice as soon as possible. As always, recovery is made easier when overall health is maintained. Proper rest, a balanced diet, and lowered stress level are the things that have the most positive affect on the body and on its healing process.

Contact Crawford Plastic Surgery to find out if you are a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery.


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