Rhinoplasty and Ear Pressure

April 20, 2013
Ear Pressure after Rhinoplasty

Undergoing any type of plastic surgery can have many potential benefits, but these procedures are associated with side effects. This is the case for rhinoplasty, or nose surgery. Keep in mind that while most patients are satisfied with the results of rhinoplasty, they will also need to take the proper amount of time to allow themselves to heal from any side effects and fully recover from the procedure. One side effect patients may experience after rhinoplasty surgery is ear pressure. Here are a few ways to identify normal ear pressure how to relieve those symptoms.

What Does the Increased Ear Pressure Feel Like?

Patients may have experienced that clogged ear sensation that comes from changing elevations, such as when flying in an airplane or scuba diving. After a rhinoplasty surgery, it’s not uncommon to feel that similar pressure in the ears. Patients that experience this feeling need not be alarmed. It is a completely normal side effect, and the pressure will subside with time

What Causes Increased Ear Pressure after Rhinoplasty?

After a rhinoplasty, the posterior pharynx (the area in the back of the mouth and throat), and/or the area near the back of the nose may swell. When any swelling in the mouth and nose occurs, it blocks off the eustachian tube, and patients will feel a slightly uncomfortable pressure in the ears. Since a rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that may cause the tissue in the mouth and nose to swell, it’s normal to feel pressure, not only in the nose, but the ears as well.

How Can Patient Relieve these Symptoms?

It’s not comfortable to feel pressure in the nose or the ears, but the good news is the pressure is temporary, and there are ways to eliminate this discomfort during the healing process. Dr. Marcus Crawford will consult patients to determine the best option to relieve this pressure. An anti-histamine or a steroid medication may be prescribed or recommended. These medications will help temporarily relieve the pressure from swelling.

When Will Patients Fully Recover?

When patients experience any kind of pain or discomfort, sometimes it feels like it will never subside. Rest assured that the side effects of rhinoplasty are temporary. The increased pressure in the ears should fade within a couple of weeks. The best way to fully recover is to follow all post-surgical instructions, take the prescribed medications, and rest after the procedure. The body has a natural ability to heal itself after any type of procedure, and the best way to aid this natural function is to simply rest up and let the body do its thing. Make sure to schedule enough time after surgery to recovery. Take this time to slow down, relax, and simply recover.

It is common to experience increased pressure in the ears after rhinoplasty. Patients that are experiencing ear pressure after rhinoplasty can try chewing gum, applying a hot compress to the ears, or an anti-histamine to treat the problem. Within a few days or a couple of weeks, the feeling in the ears will return to normal.

Contact Crawford Plastic Surgery today to schedule a consultation.


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