Lower Eyelid Surgery for Puffy Under Eye Circles

January 31, 2015

Unfortunately, as we age, the eyes may begin to look tired and worn. Patients may develop fine lines around the eyes, along with puffy under eye circles, which result in an older looking appearance.

Some patients choose to undergo cosmetic treatment to refresh the appearance of the eyes. The surgeons at Crawford Plastic Surgery expertly perform lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) on patients who have developed puffy under eye circles.

What Causes Puffy Under Eye Circles?

Puffiness is caused by excess fat deposits under the eyes. As we age, fat may accumulate directly under the eyes. This uneven distribution of fat results in a puffy under eye appearance, and deepens under eye circles. Under eye circles, or bags, also result from collagen loss. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein that fills out the skin. As the body ages, it loses collagen, resulting in the formation of lines, wrinkles, and excess skin.

The Lower Eyelid Surgery Procedure

A blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids. Surgery on the lower lids can address bagginess, puffiness, and circles under the eyes. To perform lower eyelid surgery, the surgeon will make an incision just under the lower lid lash line. Then, excess fat may be removed or redistributed to produce a smoother under eye appearance. Next, the lower eyelid skin is gently lifted up, pulled tight, and sutured back into place. Patients may choose to undergo surgery on the lower lids, or combine it with upper eyelid surgery to minimize the appearance of overhanging upper lid skin.

Recovery, Results, and Risks

Lower eyelid surgery results in a short recovery period, long lasting results, and a low risk of complications.

  • Recovery: The typical recovery time following lower eyelid surgery takes four to six weeks. For the first week or two, patients will experience some discomfort, bruising, and swelling. The use of cold compresses, ice, and the herb Arnica montana can reduce both the amount and duration of bruising and swelling. The eyes may also be excessively dry, requiring the use of lubricating drops or ointment. Most of the discomfort and bruising subsides after two weeks. By this time, patients should be fully able to resume normal activities, such as driving and going to work. Full recovery may take up to six weeks. During this time you should avoid heavy exercise and protect the eyes from sun exposure.
  • Results: Results from a lower eyelid cosmetic procedure should be evident two to three weeks following the procedure, once the initial healing is complete. However, it may take six weeks for all swelling to subside and final results to be visible.
  • Risks: Eyelid surgery is associated with a low risk of complications. Possible risks include infection, allergic reaction, unfavorable scarring, and asymmetry.  

The lower eyelid surgery procedure can improve your confidence and appearance. To find out if you are a good candidate for lower eyelid surgery, contact the surgeons at Crawford Plastic Surgery today. We will examine the extent of your under eye circles and recommend appropriate treatment.

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