Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is the condition in which a male's breasts are abnormally large. The development of unwanted breast tissue in men can be caused by hereditary or lifestyle factors. But no matter what the cause of gynecomastia may be, it can result in considerable embarrassment for those that suffer from it. If you have gynecomastia, it is important to know that you are not alone; it estimated that as much as 30 percent of the male population suffers from the condition. The most effective treatment for gynecomastia is male breast reduction surgery. Kennesaw surgeons Marcus Crawford and Steven Bailey can determine if you are a suitable candidate for male breast reduction surgery and explain how treatment can produce a more ideal aesthetic.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Techniques

Prior to performing surgery, our surgeons will perform a physical exam to evaluate the fatty tissue and excess skin that has accumulated in the breast area. The surgical technique that is appropriate for your individual condition depends on the amount of skin laxity and excess tissue that is affecting the breasts.

  • Liposuction: Liposuction is less invasive than excisional treatment, and is an excellent treatment option if you have excess fatty tissue in the breasts. Through the placement of small, discreet incisions, our surgeons can suction fat out of the breasts to reduce their size. In most cases, the skin in this area tightens so that the chest has an improved contour. Our surgeons will sculpt the fat in this area so that the post-operative appearance provides a more muscular shape. This is the most common method used for male breast reduction.
  • Excisional Treatment: The excisional approach involves the creation of an incision along the lower part of the areola. Through the incision, our surgeons can remove excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin to reduce the size of the breasts and smooth out the skin.

After surgery, all incisions are closed with sutures and you can return home (with the help of a friend or family member) to rest.

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery

If you undergo a more conservative male breast reduction procedure, you may be able to return to work and other activities within a couple of days. If you undergo a more extensive treatment, you can expect to be out of work for up to a week. During this time, you will probably experience some pain and swelling. To assist with healing, our surgeons recommend that you wear a compression garment and avoid any strenuous activities such as weight lifting for the first few weeks after surgery. You should feel comfortable exposing your chest about one to two months after surgery.

Male Breast Reduction Consults

Contact Crawford Plastic Surgery to schedule your male breast reduction consultation.