Tummy Tuck Side Effects

August 05, 2014

As with any surgery, tummy tuck is associated with potential side effects. In the days and weeks after the surgery, most patients will experience a range of side effects, including swelling, bruising, and discomfort. For patients, knowing whether or not the side effects they are experiencing are normal - and how to deal with them - can make the entire surgical process less stressful; this knowledge can also make the recovery period shorter and more comfortable for the patient. The following side effects of tummy tuck surgery are completely normal, and most patients will experience one or a combination of the following effects.


Because the body registers that it has been “injured,” it will send blood to the site of the injury to help expedite the healing process. This is a natural response of the immune system and is completely normal, especially in the first few days after the surgery. How much swelling will occur varies from patient to patient, though the surgeon will probably provide the patient with an idea of how much swelling to expect. Compression garments, drains, and drinking plenty of liquids will help to minimize swelling in the area.


Pain is a natural part of recovery from a tummy tuck. The body has been through trauma, and pain is a response to that trauma. This discomfort can be the most uncomfortable part of the recovery process, and it may last for days or weeks after the initial surgery. Surgeons will usually prescribe a pain killer or recommend an over-the-counter product that the patient can take to reduce pain. After two to six weeks, the pain should be gone.


Bruising is one of the most common and the most noticeable of the tummy tuck side effects. It will occur not only around the incision site, but around the entire abdomen. Anywhere that tissue is disturbed could be affected by some bruising, as the capillaries in the area have been broken, causing blood to leak into the tissues around the vessels. As the blood collects and darkens, it creates red, black, and blue bruises, which will fade over time. If bruises do not fade in the first two to three weeks after surgery, however, it is important to contact the surgeon and discuss whether or not there is a bleeding problem.

More Serious Tummy Tuck Risks

As with any surgery, there is the possibility for serious complications. If the patient notices distension of the stomach, extreme swelling, constant bleeding, or another issue, he or she should contact the surgeon immediately. A tummy tuck can seriously improve a person’s body, but only if the body heals properly.

A tummy tuck is a safe and effective procedure for patients looking to improve their silhouette. For more information about tummy tuck side effects or to schedule a consultation, contact Crawford Plastic Surgery today! During your tummy tuck consultation, Dr. Marcus Crawford or Dr. Steven Bailey will examine your stomach and discuss your goals and medical history with you to determine if you are a good candidate for surgery.


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