The Laser Liposuction Technique

May 06, 2014

During liposuction surgery, the cannula is used to suction fat out of the body. When the cannula was first designed, it was simply used as a suctioning tool. Since then, manufacturers have developed more advanced cannulas to make it even easier to remove fat from the body. Some cannulas use ultrasound technology to break up fat, and others use vibrations (the power-assisted technology) to more gently suction out fat. In recent years, laser liposuction was introduced to the market. Laser liposuction uses a special cannula that emits laser energy from the tip to more easily remove or reduce fat layers under the skin. An added benefit of laser liposuction is that the heat energy that is produced can also tighten the skin, which can reduce post liposuction dimpling and minimize the need for a skin tightening procedure.

What Is the Process?

Like with other liposuction techniques, the surgeon will begin the process by administering tumescent injections into the treatment area. This combination of local anesthetic, epinephrine, and saline solution numbs the treatment area, shrinks the blood vessels, and causes the fatty tissue to swell. Next small incisions will be made in the treatment area. The surgeon will insert the laser cannula through these incisions, and suction excess fat out of the body.

In this process, the skin above the fat layer is often tightened and in some cases, patients have shown increased collagen production after the laser treatment, which further improves the skin and makes it look more youthful and smooth.

Does it Work?

Laser is a safe and effective procedure. Many patients have seen great improvements in their body contour after undergoing the technique. Patients also benefit from the skin tightening benefits of laser liposuction.

Who Is a Candidate?

Candidates for laser liposuction include patients who have small pockets of fat on areas of the body where liposuction is conventionally performed. The technique is also well suited to fibrous areas of fat that are more difficult to remove. Finally, patients that have minor degrees of skin laxity will benefit from laser liposuction.

Laser liposuction, just like traditional liposuction, is not recommended as a replacement for weight loss, but is a solution provided to men and women who have stubborn fat that will not respond to exercise and diet. Good laser liposuction candidates should be within 25 pounds of their ideal weight. The abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, thighs, and face or neck area are the most popular areas for this procedure. 

Patients should also be in good health and non-smokers.

Do All Plastic Surgeons Perform Laser Liposuction?

Laser liposuction is only performed by surgeons who have undergone training and have purchased the laser technology for use at their practice. When performed by an unskilled surgeon, laser liposuction can result in skin burns and uneven fat removal, so picking the right plastic surgeon is important. Ask potential surgeons how many procedures they have performed, and what kind of recovery the patient can expect.

To schedule your laser liposuction consultation, contact Crawford Plastic Surgery.

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