Facelift Alternatives

September 14, 2013

A facelift can do wonders to tighten and tone the face, giving it a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Unfortunately, it may not be the best option for all patients. Those with certain chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes may not be good candidates for a surgical procedure. Those patients who have a history of a bad response to anesthesia, antibiotics or pain medication, or are prone to poor wound healing or excessive scarring may wish not to undergo a surgical facelift procedure. In other cases, patients may simply not wish to undergo a surgical procedure because of the excessive recovery time compared to nonsurgical methods for tightening up the skin around the neck and face. Dr. Marcus Crawford and Dr. Steven Bailey have several alternatives to recommend for those patients who either cannot or decide not to undergo a cosmetic surgical procedure.

Injectable Fillers

Injectable dermal fillers work to replace collagen that has been lost in the face. Collagen is a protein that is essentially the glue that holds the human body together. Over the normal course of aging, collagen is lost from the body. This is particularly evident on the face, leaving a gaunt, hollowed out appearance. Dermal fillers are made of animal or synthetic collagen, or hyaluronic acid.

The treatment process for dermal fillers is very simple. The dermal filler is injected into the skin at targeted areas around the face. The time, expense, side effects, and risks from dermal fillers are dramatically less than with a cosmetic surgical procedure. Patients should expect to see results within one to two weeks following the procedure, and effects may last anywhere from 12 to 18 months.

BOTOX® Cosmetic

Although in some ways BOTOX® Cosmetic is similar to dermal fillers, it works slightly differently. It is designed to control fine muscle movements of the face, which can lead to lines and wrinkles. It is best used for areas around the eyes and forehead to reduce the appearance of frown or laugh lines, along with crows’ feet around the eyes.

The procedure for BOTOX® Cosmetic is similar to that of dermal filler injections. The BOTOX® Cosmetic is injected into the skin at specific targeted spots on the face. Results from BOTOX® Cosmetic should also be seen relatively quickly - generally within the first week after the procedure. These should last about three to six months.

Protecting the Face

There are also routines that can be followed to protect the face before skin begins to sag. Our plastic surgeons recommend patients eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, drink lots of water, and have a regular exercise routine. These will all help keep the skin looking fresh, full, and youthful. We also recommend keeping out of the sun as much as possible, to prevent premature spots, dehydration, and aging of the skin. A good-quality sunscreen with a high sun protection factor (SPF) should be applied whenever out in the direct sun for more than 15 minutes.

The best way to have younger looking skin is to protect it while still young. However, there are some nonsurgical alternatives to a facelift that can help patients restore that youthful look to their face. Contact Crawford Plastic Surgery today to learn more about your options.

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